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Course 1: Kingdom Economy

The Kingdom Economy online course is a journey through the Bible and Church history to understand how Christianity answers complex questions about wealth and poverty in this world. The author of the book Matheus Ortega presents 10 20-minute classes (total of 3.5 hours of content) on the book Economy of the Kingdom and beyond, with personal examples, reflections and answers to frequently asked questions. This course was produced in partnership with the churchRelevans and theFamily University.

Class 1: Introduction: The world we live in is not what it should be

Class 2: Between Rich and Poor:Should a Christian seek wealth or poverty?

Class 3: The Four Profiles: What ways to deal with wealth and poverty?

Class 4: The Donor: What is the Donor profile and what are the biblical and historical examples?

Class 5: The Moderate: What is the Moderate profile and what are the biblical and historical examples?

Class 6: The Transformer: What is the Transformative profile and what are the biblical and historical examples?
Class 7: The Selfless: What is the Selfless profile and what are the biblical and historical examples?

Class 8: Kingdom Economy: How can profiles together reveal the Kingdom of God?

Class 9: True Wealth: What are the true riches that we should all seek?

Class 10: Your Profile: How do you fit into the Kingdom Economy and serve God?


The course fee isR$49

Course 2: Kingdom Finance

The online course on Kingdom Finance is taught by Thiago Mohallem, xxx,, in partnership with the Kingdom's Ministry of Economy. He presents three essential biblical principles for everyone to deal with their own resources: every Christian must beout of debt,investor It issower. This course was produced in partnership with the churchRelevans and theFamily University.

Class 1:


The course fee isR$xxx.

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